Meeting SA electoral system and Women's Political Participation

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Shamiso Faith Varaidzo Welcome to the discussion and platform, please post your thoughts and comments...
Shamiso Faith Varaidzo From the discussion comments....Very often Women win sits either on PR or Ward basis on Election Day. However, post elections when such a woman vacates the sit for whatever reasons, most Political Parties replace her with a Man. Is the Gender Commission closely monitoring this?
Shamiso Faith Varaidzo Comment from Mme Tebogo Suping..Beyond the 50 percent quota proposal, there needs to be advocacy as well in terms of the support that can be offered in navigating the processes and requirements that need to be met by female independent candidates, including those small parties led by women.
Shamiso Faith Varaidzo ...Equally the quota needs to state clearly the proportion of young women being advocated for. There has to be a generational mix
Shamiso Faith Varaidzo Do we have database or knowledge of young Women organisation who their voices does not reach this platforms, there are many established but not have voices on correct platforms
Shamiso Faith Varaidzo as the discussion continued ...How do we move from "jobs for the girls" to gender equality for the nation?
Shamiso Faith Varaidzo Great discussion and reflection on the journey of women in politics, a lot of lessons to learn and more focused work going forward. Regards Sixolile Ngcobo, CGE
Shamiso Faith Varaidzo How do we move beyond the quota system?
Shamiso Faith Varaidzo In ensuring the creation of conducive environment for women to participate in politics it will be a great opportunity to map out how many stay for their term and the reasons for leaving politics or staying in politics.. So that we begin to address the substantive gender equality issue beyond entry to the political field